The Life Church and Missions
Membership Handbook
1. Church Introduction
Set up in 2002, The Life Church and Missions (LCM) is an Independent Protestant Church with reformed roots. As of 2024, LCM is serving a congregation of about 400 adults.
We are a word-based church committed to preaching the full gospel of Christ to raise up God’s disciples and spread the good news to lost souls. Our two key thrusts are first, to teach sound biblical truths, and second, to shepherd the sheep of God with love, keeping them spiritually nourished. We also place a huge emphasis on mission works.
2. Definition
2.1 Definition
A member of LCM is one who willingly accepts and fulfils the criteria for membership stated in Section 3 of this handbook, and agrees to pledge his/ her commitment to us, stated in Section 4 of this handbook.
2.2 Types of Membership
2.2.1 Ordinary Membership
Ordinary Membership is open to all nationalities who are 16 years old and above, and were baptised in a Church under the Protestant denomination. Persons who are below 18 years of age shall not be accepted as members without the written consent of their parent or guardian.
2.2.2 Associate Membership
Associate Membership is opened to anyone below 16 years of age. Written consent of a parent or guardian shall be required for such applications.
2.3 Rights
Only Ordinary Members who are 18 years old and above shall have the right to vote. Only Ordinary Members who are 21 years old and above, and who are Singaporeans or Singapore Permanent Residents, shall have the right to hold office in LCM.
2.4 Legislation References
Society Act 1966
Charities Act 1994
Code of Governance for Registered Societies
3. Criteria for Membership
3.1 Joining as Member
A person who has been attending and receiving teachings from LCM can join the Church as a member, when he/ she is baptised1 in or has received his/ her confirmation in LCM.
3.2 Transfer of Membership
A person who was baptised2 in another Church under the Protestant denomination can join LCM as a member if he/ she:
a) was baptised when he/ she was at least 16 years old, or if he/ she went through infant baptism and was subsequently confirmed when he/ she was 16 years old or above in another Protestant Church. If he/ she was baptised before 16 years old but has not gone through any confirmation at any Protestant Church, then he/ she shall go through a confirmation ceremony with LCM;
b) accepts and believes in the Statement of Faith of LCM;
c) has been attending Sunday services and/or meetings in LCM on a regular basis for at least 6 months; and
d) is strongly encouraged to relinquish his/ her membership with his/ her previous church, verbally or in writing;
3.3 Dual Membership
A member of LCM should not also be a member of another church unless permission is granted by LCM Overseers (consisting of Pastor, Elders and Preacher) to hold dual membership.
3.4 Withdrawal, Suspension and Termination of Membership
A person wishing to withdraw or terminate his/ her membership with LCM shall inform us in writing.
A person who did not attend any worship service nor meeting, or did not contact us for a continual period of 1 year is deemed to have self-withdrawn his or her membership from LCM.
The Church Management Committee (CMC) reserves the rights to suspend or terminate a person’s membership, regardless of his/ her period of inactivity.
3.5 Other Requirements
In additional to the clauses stated in 3.1 to 3.4 above, a person wanting to be a member of LCM shall also:
a) complete a membership registration form and submit the completed form to the Church Secretary;
b) attend a mandatory membership introductory class to be given a briefing on membership matters;
c) submit to the authority of LCM Leaders;
d) be committed to LCM;
e) note that there are no entrance fees, subscriptions or other dues payable to be a member; and
f) note that LCM Leaders reserve the rights to reject any membership application if he/ she is deemed unsuitable to be a member of LCM.
4. Members’ Pledge of Commitment
4.1 Doctrine and Belief
Members of LCM are expected to affirm our Statement of Faith. Regardless of the faith background that one may have previously, members of LCM shall pledge willingness to humbly learn the reformed theology taught by LCM and not seek to promote any other teachings which are not in line with our reformed theological position. However, we do not discriminate against members who still possess non-reformed evangelical views, and we undoubtedly accept all from the Universal Church of Christ as our brethren.
4.2 Personal Conduct and Spiritual Growth
By becoming a member of LCM, one shall commit to the best of his/ her ability to grow as a disciple of Christ, who yearns to deepen his/ her relationship with Christ, know Him deeper and seek to be more Christlike. Members of LCM should regard themselves as God’s holy people, and strive to be holy as God is holy <1 Peter 1:16>. As such, they ought to take reference and adhere to God’s words given in <Ephesians 5:1-5> regarding their personal conduct. They should refrain from doing anything that may tarnish God’s image in them regardless of where they are.
Ephesians 5:1-5>
1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. 3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. 4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. 5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
4.3 Attending Meetings and Serving
As children of God, members of LCM are expected to worship the Lord in Church on the Lord’s Day weekly. They should take leave from the Church if there are urgent or unforeseen matters. If the member could not attend the Sunday Service due to work or other reasons, he/ she should join another meeting (like cell group or prayer meeting, etc.) that week, as a form of replacement.
As LCM values the importance of brethren living, members of LCM are strongly encouraged to join in a suitable cell group (i.e. Small Shepherding Group) for their spiritual growth and support. The Church also encourages members to attend prayer meeting once a month to know the updates of the Church and brethren in the faith community.
It is recorded in <Acts 20:35> that the Lord Jesus himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Giving can be done in the form of serving. Therefore, members of LCM are also encouraged to serve in a ministry after coming to LCM for approximately a year.
4.4 Tithes and Offerings
We believe that we are all stewards of the money and resources that God has graciously bestowed us, and it is only right that we use what He has given us to serve His purpose. We also recognise that tithing/ offering is a good spiritual discipline to help us restore a right relationship with money. Our tithes/ offerings also reflect our commitment to the Church that God has placed us in, to advance God’s kingdom and bless people inside and outside the Church. Thus, while it is not mandatory for a member to give tithings and/ or offerings to LCM, members are encouraged to abide by the teaching of the Bible with regard to tithes and offering.
<2 Corinthians 9:7>
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
4.5 Disciplinary Related Matters
Disciplinary actions may be taken against a member who:
a) breaks the moral principles of the Bible, and/ or
b) engages in actions which affect the name of the Lord and/ or LCM publicly, and/ or
c) stumbles3 others, and
d) refuses correction from LCM Leaders.
When dealing with disciplinary matters, LCM Leaders shall first meet up with the member concerned to seek an explanation or clarification to understand more. Upon investigation, LCM Leaders will jointly decide on the mode of discipline or corrective actions, which may include one or more of the following:
a) compulsory spiritual counselling;
b) suspension of serving duties, positions, roles or offices;
c) suspension of partaking in the Holy Communion;
d) stepping down from leadership position/ teaching role;
e) excommunication from LCM; or
f) any other form of disciplinary or corrective actions deemed suitable.
As the offence of men differs from case to case, and has different degree of severity and impact, the Church will practise its utmost discretion to err on the side of love and mercy. Even if there is a need to discipline, it will be done for the benefit of the Church and the member being disciplined.
4.6 Channels of Communication
We welcome suggestions, feedback or clarifications from any member. If a member has any suggestions, feedback or clarification, he/ she should first approach his/ her cell leader. However, if the suggestion or feedback is something regarding or against the member’s cell leader, he/ she can then approach any of the Overseers. Alternatively, the member can also send his/ her suggestions, feedback or clarifications to our official email, which is
Considering that everyone is a sinner with imperfections, members are therefore reminded that the motive, purpose or objective of the suggestions and feedback should be out of love and edification for the Church and/ or brethren. One should also refrain from spreading unverified news or information against another person.
<Ephesians 4:29>
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
5 The Church’s Commitment to Members
We are committed to our members by means of:
a) teaching, rebuking, correcting and training according to the Word of God and sound doctrine;
b) mentoring members through a cell group;
c) providing appropriate help in time of crisis;
d) providing spiritual counselling4;
e) conducting Christian-styled funeral, cremation and/ or memorial service for the member or his/ her immediate family (either they are new converts or if the church they belong to does not do so for them);
f) conducting holy matrimony5 for the member;
g) removing idols6 from the member’s or his/ her kin’s premises;
h) house or hospital visitation7 to the member or his/ her kin;
6 Administrative Procedures
6.1 Personal Particulars
A person who has met the criteria to become a member stated in Section 3 and agrees to adhere to the Members’ Pledge of Commitment stated in Section 4 of this handbook, may fill up an online registration form, or approach one of the ushers, his/ her cell leader or the Church’s Secretary for a copy of the membership registration form. The duly completed form shall be submitted to the Church’s Secretary online, personally or through the ushers, or his/ her cell leader.
The member is responsible to keep the Church’s Secretary informed should there be any change to his/ her personal particulars.
All data collected through the membership registration form would be handled and kept in strict confidence.
6.2 Members’ Handbook
A handbook on membership or its equivalent will be made available to members.
6.3 Membership Acknowledgement
A person who was baptised or who has received confirmation in LCM will be presented with a baptism certificate or a confirmation certificate respectively on the day of his/ her baptism or confirmation. The baptism certificate or confirmation certificate shall also serve as his/ her membership certificate. If the person requires a dedicated membership certificate, he/ she can request for one from the Church’s Secretary. However, we reserve the rights to reject the request.
For a person who transferred his/ her membership to LCM from another church, he/ she will receive an electronic notification of his/ her successful application for LCM membership, there will not be a separate membership certificate being issued.
6.4 Letter of Transfer of Membership
A person who requires a letter of transfer of membership, or its equivalent, to be submitted to his/ her previous church may request for one from the Church’s Secretary. Upon approval by the Church to accept this person as a member of LCM, the Church’s Secretary shall prepare the letter of transfer of membership and either pass it to the requestor or send it directly to the requestor’s previous church.
1 Baptism/ Confirmation criteria:
i) Those who wish to be baptised or confirmed in LCM should: (1) be at least 16 years old, (2) have a regular church attendance of at least 6 months, and (3) complete 4 mandatory baptism classes.
ii) For infant baptism, at least one of the parents should be a baptised protestant Christian and a member of LCM, and the infant shall be below one year of age.
2 i) LCM Overseers may interview the person to understand or clarify if his/ her baptism was conducted in the name of the Trinity God.
ii) The observance of the Holy Communion is an essential practice in LCM and only members and those who have been baptised in the Protestant denomination may partake in it. Those of the Roman Catholic faith (if baptised) can partake in the Holy Communion if they have turned from their Catholic roots to Protestant one. Under certain circumstances, the church can also conduct another baptism ritual for those who were baptised in the Roman Catholic church.
3 Examples of stumbling others: introduce brethren to teachings that are not in line with sound doctrine; borrow money from brethren with no intention of repayment; sell products to brethren; incite brethren to make investments; slander other brethren; being a constant nuisance to other brethren; resort to violence toward others in church, etc.
4 LCM reserves the rights to reject request for counselling session, especially if the member refuses to accept the Church’s suggestions on certain or repeated matters.
5 i) Subject to the availability of Church Leaders.
ii) Priority will be given to the couple who are both members of LCM.
iii) LCM reserves the rights to turn down a request to conduct holy matrimony (e.g. one of the couple is not a baptised Christian, re-marriage after a recent divorce, adultery-related issues; same-sex marriage, etc).
iv) The church premise is open to members for holy matrimony, subject to its availability, at a nominal fee.
6 i) Subject to the availability of Church Leaders.
ii) The Church reserves the rights to turn down a request for idols removal (e.g. requestor insists on keeping some or giving away the idols instead of destroying them; requestor has yet to understand the meaning of idols removal or is only using the church as a form of disposal service, etc).
7 Subject to the availability of the Church’s workers/ volunteers.
1. 教会简介
新加坡基督生命堂(以下简称“ 生命堂”)是于2002年11月3日设立的。这是一间独立新派教会,以改革宗神学的教导为根基。截止2024年,生命堂约有400多成人聚会人数。 身为一个以神的话为中心的教会,我们的使命就是要传扬基督全备的福音,以培养神的门徒,且把好消息传给失丧的灵魂。我们的教会有两大主要使命:(1)就是教导纯正的圣经真理、(2)以爱心牧养神的羊群,以致他们能得到属灵的滋润。我们对海外福音事工也颇有负担。因此,教会非常看重以及强调宣教。
2. 定义
2.1 定义
2.2 会友类别
2.2.1 普通会友
年满 16 岁或以上,并已在新教教会中接受洗礼者,不分国籍,都可申请为普通会友。未满 18 岁者必须获得父母或监护人书面同意才能成为会友。
2.2.2 准会友
准会友资格是向所有 16 岁以下的人开放。此类申请需要父母或监护人的书面同意。
2.3 权利
只有年满 18 岁的普通会友才有投票权。只有年满 21 岁且为新加坡公民或新加坡永久居民的普通会友才有权在生命堂委员会任职。
2.4 立法参考
1966 年社会法令
1994 年慈善法令
3. 会友资格
3.1 入会
3.2 转会
3.3 双重会友资格
3.4 退出、暂停和终止会友资格
若一位会友连续 1 年没有参加任何崇拜或聚会,或没有联系教会,他将被视为自行退出生命堂。
3.5 其他条件
除以上3.1 至 3.4 所述的条款外,想要成为生命堂会友的人还应:
a) 填写会友报名表格并将填好的表格提交给教会秘书;
b) 参加一个强制性的会友介绍班,以了解会友事宜;
c) 服从生命堂领袖(由教会监督和教会管理委员会组成)的权柄;
d) 委身于生命堂;
e) 注意:成为会友无需缴交会员费、订阅费或其他会费;和
f) 明白:若生命堂领袖认为他不适合成为生命堂会友,生命堂领袖也有权利拒绝他的会友申请。
4. 会友的委身
4.1 教义和信仰
4.2 个人行为和属灵成长
身为生命堂的一员,会友应尽最大努力成长为基督的门徒,渴望加深与基督的关系,更深入地认识祂并寻求更像基督。生命堂的会友应该将自己视为上帝的圣洁子民,并努力成为圣洁,因为上帝是圣洁的《彼得前书 1:16》。因此,会友在个人行为上应该遵守神在《以弗所书 5:1-5》所劝勉的。无论身在何处,他们都应该避免做任何有损上帝形象的事。
《以弗所书 5:1-5》
1 所以你们该效法神,好像蒙慈爱的儿女一样。 2 也要凭爱心行事,正如基督爱我们,为我们舍了自己,当做馨香的供物和祭物献于神。 3 至于淫乱并一切污秽,或是贪婪,在你们中间连提都不可,方合圣徒的体统。 4 淫词、妄语和戏笑的话都不相宜,总要说感谢的话。 5 因为你们确实地知道,无论是淫乱的,是污秽的,是有贪心的,在基督和神的国里都是无份的;有贪心的,就与拜偶像的一样。
4.3 聚会出席和服事
《使徒行传 20:35》记载主耶稣说:“施比受更为有福。”服事也是一种“施予”。因此,我们鼓励 生命堂会友在来教会大约一年后能参与服事。
4.4 十一和奉献
《哥林多后书 9:7》
4.5 教会纪律
a) 违反圣经道德原则的会友,和/或
b) 对神和/或生命堂名声造成负面影响的会友,和/或
c) 绊倒其他人3的会友,和
d) 拒绝生命堂领袖的纠正的会友。
a) 强制性的属灵辅导;
b) 暂停事奉职责、岗位、角色或职位;
c) 暂停领受圣餐;
d) 辞去领袖职务/教导职务;
e) 被请求离开生命堂;或
f) 任何教会领袖认为合适的纪律处分或纠正措施。
4.6 沟通渠道
生命堂欢迎任何会友提出建议、反馈或澄清。若会友有任何建议、反馈或澄清,可以先联系自己的小组长。然而,如果建议或反馈涉及会友的小组长,他可以向任何教会监督反馈。或者,会友也可以将 建议、反馈或澄清发送到教会的官方电子邮箱,即
《以弗所书 4:29》
5 教会对会友的责任
6 行政事宜
6.1 个人资料
凡符合第3条款所述的会友资格并同意按照本手册第 4 条款所述的来委身于教会的人,可填写电子表格,或联系其中一位招待 员,或自己的小组长,或教会秘书索取会友报名表格。然后,可将填妥的表格亲自或通过电子表格,招待员或小组长提交给教会秘书。
6.2 会友手册
6.3 会友资格确认
6.4 会籍转移信
1 洗礼/坚信礼条件:
i) 欲在基督生命堂接受洗礼或坚信礼者应:(1) 年满 16 岁,(2) 定期参加教会崇拜至少 6 个月,以及 (3) 完成 4 堂强制性洗礼课程。
ii) 至于婴儿洗礼,父母其中一位应是已受洗的新教基督徒,且为基督生命堂会友,而且婴儿的年龄应在一岁以下。
2 i) 生命堂的监督可采访这位肢体,以了解或澄清他洗礼是否是以三一神的名义进行的。
ii) 守圣餐是生命堂的一个基本圣礼,只有会友和受过新教教会洗礼的人才能参与。那些从前属于罗马天主教的肢体(若已受洗)如果从天主教根源转向新教基督教,也可以守圣餐。在某些情况下,教会也可以为在罗马天主教会受洗的肢体举行另一次圣洗礼。
3 绊倒人的例子:向肢体们介绍不符合纯正教义的教导;向肢体借钱不还;向肢体们推销产品;煽动肢体投资;诽谤其他肢体;经常骚扰其他肢体;在教会对他人施暴等。
4 生命堂保留拒绝辅导的权利,特别是如果会友拒绝接受教会对某些或重复事项的建议。
ii) 若情侣二人同是生命堂会友,将享有优先权。
iii) 生命堂可保留拒绝主持婚礼的权利(例如:夫妇其中一人是未受洗的基督徒、最近刚离婚后又再婚、犯奸淫、同性婚姻等)。
iv) 教会场所可以小额费用向会友开放为举行婚礼的场地,但视情况而定。
ii) 教会有权利拒绝除偶像的请求(例如:请求者坚持保留或赠送一些偶像而不是销毁它们;请求者尚未了解除偶像的意义或只将教会当作处置物件服务等) 。
The Life Church and Missions
Membership Handbook
1. Church Introduction
Set up in 2002, The Life Church and Missions (LCM) is an Independent Protestant Church with reformed roots. As of 2024, LCM is serving a congregation of about 400 adults. We are a word-based church committed to preaching the full gospel of Christ to raise up God’s disciples and spread the good news to lost souls. Our two key thrusts are first, to teach sound biblical truths, and second, to shepherd the sheep of God with love, keeping them spiritually nourished. We also place a huge emphasis on mission works.
2. Definition
2.1 Definition
A member of LCM is one who willingly accepts and fulfils the criteria for membership stated in Section 3 of this handbook, and agrees to pledge his/ her commitment to us, stated in Section 4 of this handbook.
2.2 Types of Membership
2.2.1 Ordinary Membership
Ordinary Membership is open to all nationalities who are 16 years old and above, and were baptised in a Church under the Protestant denomination. Persons who are below 18 years of age shall not be accepted as members without the written consent of their parent or guardian.
2.2.2 Associate Membership
Associate Membership is opened to anyone below 16 years of age. Written consent of a parent or guardian shall be required for such applications.
2.3 Rights
Only Ordinary Members who are 18 years old and above shall have the right to vote. Only Ordinary Members who are 21 years old and above, and who are Singaporeans or Singapore Permanent Residents, shall have the right to hold office in LCM.
2.4 Legislation References
Society Act 1966
Charities Act 1994
Code of Governance for Registered Societies
3. Criteria for Membership
3.1 Joining as Member
A person who has been attending and receiving teachings from LCM can join the Church as a member, when he/ she is baptised1 in or has received his/ her confirmation in LCM.
3.2 Transfer of Membership
A person who was baptised2 in another Church under the Protestant denomination can join LCM as a member if he/ she:
a) was baptised when he/ she was at least 16 years old, or if he/ she went through infant baptism and was subsequently confirmed when he/ she was 16 years old or above in another Protestant Church. If he/ she was baptised before 16 years old but has not gone through any confirmation at any Protestant Church, then he/ she shall go through a confirmation ceremony with LCM;
b) accepts and believes in the Statement of Faith of LCM;
c) has been attending Sunday services and/or meetings in LCM on a regular basis for at least 6 months; and
d) is strongly encouraged to relinquish his/ her membership with his/ her previous church, verbally or in writing;
3.3 Dual Membership
A member of LCM should not also be a member of another church unless permission is granted by LCM Overseers (consisting of Pastor, Elders and Preacher) to hold dual membership.
3.4 Withdrawal, Suspension and Termination of Membership
A person wishing to withdraw or terminate his/ her membership with LCM shall inform us in writing.
A person who did not attend any worship service nor meeting, or did not contact us for a continual period of 1 year is deemed to have self-withdrawn his or her membership from LCM.
The Church Management Committee (CMC) reserves the rights to suspend or terminate a person’s membership, regardless of his/ her period of inactivity.
3.5 Other Requirements
In additional to the clauses stated in 3.1 to 3.4 above, a person wanting to be a member of LCM shall also:
a) complete a membership registration form and submit the completed form to the Church Secretary;
b) attend a mandatory membership introductory class to be given a briefing on membership matters;
c) submit to the authority of LCM Leaders;
d) be committed to LCM;
e) note that there are no entrance fees, subscriptions or other dues payable to be a member; and
f) note that LCM Leaders reserve the rights to reject any membership application if he/ she is deemed unsuitable to be a member of LCM.
4. Members’ Pledge of Commitment
4.1 Doctrine and Belief
Members of LCM are expected to affirm our Statement of Faith. Regardless of the faith background that one may have previously, members of LCM shall pledge willingness to humbly learn the reformed theology taught by LCM and not seek to promote any other teachings which are not in line with our reformed theological position. However, we do not discriminate against members who still possess non-reformed evangelical views, and we undoubtedly accept all from the Universal Church of Christ as our brethren.
4.2 Personal Conduct and Spiritual Growth
By becoming a member of LCM, one shall commit to the best of his/ her ability to grow as a disciple of Christ, who yearns to deepen his/ her relationship with Christ, know Him deeper and seek to be more Christlike. Members of LCM should regard themselves as God’s holy people, and strive to be holy as God is holy <1 Peter 1:16>. As such, they ought to take reference and adhere to God’s words given in <Ephesians 5:1-5> regarding their personal conduct. They should refrain from doing anything that may tarnish God’s image in them regardless of where they are.
<Ephesians 5:1-5>
1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. 3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. 4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. 5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
4.3 Attending Meetings and Serving
As children of God, members of LCM are expected to worship the Lord in Church on the Lord’s Day weekly. They should take leave from the Church if there are urgent or unforeseen matters. If the member could not attend the Sunday Service due to work or other reasons, he/ she should join another meeting (like cell group or prayer meeting, etc.) that week, as a form of replacement.
As LCM values the importance of brethren living, members of LCM are strongly encouraged to join in a suitable cell group (i.e. Small Shepherding Group) for their spiritual growth and support. The Church also encourages members to attend prayer meeting once a month to know the updates of the Church and brethren in the faith community.
It is recorded in <Acts 20:35> that the Lord Jesus himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Giving can be done in the form of serving. Therefore, members of LCM are also encouraged to serve in a ministry after coming to LCM for approximately a year.
4.4 Tithes and Offerings
We believe that we are all stewards of the money and resources that God has graciously bestowed us, and it is only right that we use what He has given us to serve His purpose. We also recognise that tithing/ offering is a good spiritual discipline to help us restore a right relationship with money. Our tithes/ offerings also reflect our commitment to the Church that God has placed us in, to advance God’s kingdom and bless people inside and outside the Church. Thus, while it is not mandatory for a member to give tithings and/ or offerings to LCM, members are encouraged to abide by the teaching of the Bible with regard to tithes and offering.
<2 Corinthians 9:7>
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
4.5 Disciplinary Related Matters
Disciplinary actions may be taken against a member who:
a) breaks the moral principles of the Bible, and/ or
b) engages in actions which affect the name of the Lord and/ or LCM publicly, and/ or
c) stumbles3 others, and
d) refuses correction from LCM Leaders.
When dealing with disciplinary matters, LCM Leaders shall first meet up with the member concerned to seek an explanation or clarification to understand more. Upon investigation, LCM Leaders will jointly decide on the mode of discipline or corrective actions, which may include one or more of the following:
a) compulsory spiritual counselling;
b) suspension of serving duties, positions, roles or offices;
c) suspension of partaking in the Holy Communion;
d) stepping down from leadership position/ teaching role;
e) excommunication from LCM; or
f) any other form of disciplinary or corrective actions deemed suitable.
As the offence of men differs from case to case, and has different degree of severity and impact, the Church will practise its utmost discretion to err on the side of love and mercy. Even if there is a need to discipline, it will be done for the benefit of the Church and the member being disciplined.
4.6 Channels of Communication
We welcome suggestions, feedback or clarifications from any member. If a member has any suggestions, feedback or clarification, he/ she should first approach his/ her cell leader. However, if the suggestion or feedback is something regarding or against the member’s cell leader, he/ she can then approach any of the Overseers. Alternatively, the member can also send his/ her suggestions, feedback or clarifications to our official email, which is
Considering that everyone is a sinner with imperfections, members are therefore reminded that the motive, purpose or objective of the suggestions and feedback should be out of love and edification for the Church and/ or brethren. One should also refrain from spreading unverified news or information against another person.
<Ephesians 4:29>
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
5 The Church’s Commitment to Members
We are committed to our members by means of:
a) teaching, rebuking, correcting and training according to the Word of God and sound doctrine;
b) mentoring members through a cell group;
c) providing appropriate help in time of crisis;
d) providing spiritual counselling4;
e) conducting Christian-styled funeral, cremation and/ or memorial service for the member or his/ her immediate family (either they are new converts or if the church they belong to does not do so for them);
f) conducting holy matrimony5 for the member;
g) removing idols6 from the member’s or his/ her kin’s premises;
h) house or hospital visitation7 to the member or his/ her kin;
6 Administrative Procedures
6.1 Personal Particulars
A person who has met the criteria to become a member stated in Section 3 and agrees to adhere to the Members’ Pledge of Commitment stated in Section 4 of this handbook, may fill up an online registration form, or approach one of the ushers, his/ her cell leader or the Church’s Secretary for a copy of the membership registration form. The duly completed form shall be submitted to the Church’s Secretary online, personally or through the ushers, or his/ her cell leader.
The member is responsible to keep the Church’s Secretary informed should there be any change to his/ her personal particulars.
All data collected through the membership registration form would be handled and kept in strict confidence.
6.2 Members’ Handbook
A handbook on membership or its equivalent will be made available to members.
6.3 Membership Acknowledgement
A person who was baptised or who has received confirmation in LCM will be presented with a baptism certificate or a confirmation certificate respectively on the day of his/ her baptism or confirmation. The baptism certificate or confirmation certificate shall also serve as his/ her membership certificate. If the person requires a dedicated membership certificate, he/ she can request for one from the Church’s Secretary. However, we reserve the rights to reject the request.
For a person who transferred his/ her membership to LCM from another church, he/ she will receive an electronic notification of his/ her successful application for LCM membership, there will not be a separate membership certificate being issued.
6.4 Letter of Transfer of Membership
A person who requires a letter of transfer of membership, or its equivalent, to be submitted to his/ her previous church may request for one from the Church’s Secretary. Upon approval by the Church to accept this person as a member of LCM, the Church’s Secretary shall prepare the letter of transfer of membership and either pass it to the requestor or send it directly to the requestor’s previous church.
1 Baptism/ Confirmation criteria:
i) Those who wish to be baptised or confirmed in LCM should: (1) be at least 16 years old, (2) have a regular church attendance of at least 6 months, and (3) complete 4 mandatory baptism classes.
ii) For infant baptism, at least one of the parents should be a baptised protestant Christian and a member of LCM, and the infant shall be below one year of age.
2 i) LCM Overseers may interview the person to understand or clarify if his/ her baptism was conducted in the name of the Trinity God.
ii) The observance of the Holy Communion is an essential practice in LCM and only members and those who have been baptised in the Protestant denomination may partake in it. Those of the Roman Catholic faith (if baptised) can partake in the Holy Communion if they have turned from their Catholic roots to Protestant one. Under certain circumstances, the church can also conduct another baptism ritual for those who were baptised in the Roman Catholic church.
3 Examples of stumbling others: introduce brethren to teachings that are not in line with sound doctrine; borrow money from brethren with no intention of repayment; sell products to brethren; incite brethren to make investments; slander other brethren; being a constant nuisance to other brethren; resort to violence toward others in church, etc.
4 LCM reserves the rights to reject request for counselling session, especially if the member refuses to accept the Church’s suggestions on certain or repeated matters.
5 i) Subject to the availability of Church Leaders.
ii) Priority will be given to the couple who are both members of LCM.
iii) LCM reserves the rights to turn down a request to conduct holy matrimony (e.g. one of the couple is not a baptised Christian, re-marriage after a recent divorce, adultery-related issues; same-sex marriage, etc).
iv) The church premise is open to members for holy matrimony, subject to its availability, at a nominal fee.
6 i) Subject to the availability of Church Leaders.
ii) The Church reserves the rights to turn down a request for idols removal (e.g. requestor insists on keeping some or giving away the idols instead of destroying them; requestor has yet to understand the meaning of idols removal or is only using the church as a form of disposal service, etc).
7 Subject to the availability of the Church’s workers/ volunteers.